Hello and Welcome to my website!

I’m Joe. I’m a Children’s Illustrator and Digital Designer from Hertfordshire (but I spend most of my time in London) I’m 30 years old, a cat Dad, gym novice, Cadbury’s enthusiast and lover of all things Spooky!

I began my career as a Tattoo Artist after completing my undergraduate degree in Illustration at The London College of Fashion. Despite a successful career in the Tattoo Industry, I found that I was always being drawn back to ‘finish what I started’ as an contemporary Illustrator (I much preferred working on Paper than Skin!)

Inspired by all things Spooky and Strange, I've always been drawn to the whimsical and mysterious. This love for the extraordinary is what fuels my creativity and mixing this with traditional Illustration methods brings a unique twist to my work. Some of my work features so far include:
HotMess! Clothing, British Vogue, Attitude Magazine, Glamour Magazine, Not A Phase, Bad Monday Apparel & Moonbug Entertainment

Should you like to know more about myself, pitch a project, fancy a coffee, commission me, or just a good ole’ chinwag then please contact me anytime.